
An International Board brings together the regions, the healthcare industry and medical associations. It comprises two representatives from each of the regions, two representatives from the International Industry and Scientific Advisory board, and one representative from the Association Advisory Board.  The board will meet once per year in person and once virtually.


Marcel Tanner

Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)

Ruggero De Maria

Treasurer & Vice Chair of the European Coalition
Alliance Against Cancer Institute of General Pathology, Catholic University of Rome Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine

Ying Wang

Vice Chair of the Asian Pacific Coalition
China Anti-Cancer Association (CACA) Asian Oncology Society (AOS)

Khalid Bin Jabor Al Thani

Vice President of ICPC & Chair of the Middle Eastern Coalition
Qatar Cancer Society (QCS)

Hesham Elghazaly

Chair of African Coalition
Medical Research Center MASRI, Ain Shams University Breast-Gynecological International Cancer Society (BGICS) Presidential Initiative of Women’s Health (PIWH)

Vivek Subbiah

Chair of the North American Coalition
Sarah Cannon Research Institute (SCRI)

HE Dr. Wahid Ali Said Al Kharusi

Vice Chair of the Middle Eastern Coalition
Oman Cancer Association

Roberto Carmagnani Pestana

Chair of the Latin American Coalition
Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Surbhi Grover

Vice Chair of the African Coalition
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Radiation Oncology

Alejandro Mohar

Vice Chair of the Latin American Coalition
SWOG; Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia (INCan), Mexico City.

Phil Hogan

Chair of the European Coalition
Former European Commissioner for Trade and Agriculture, Former Irish Minister for the Environment Community and Local Government, Former Minister of State at the Department of Finance

Ramin Asgary

Vice Chair of the North American Coalition
Milken Institute School of Public Health (Department of Global Health)

Jonathan A. Lal

Chair of the Asian Pacific Coalition
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology And Sciences (SHUATS)

the cause