the cause


ICPC is more than a patient organization. 

It brings together all organisations and people who share a determination to improve the care of cancer patients. It has been brought into being by people who are determined to tackle the glaring injustice of uneven cancer care across society and across the world. People who are deeply concerned that this continuing injustice leaves many patients without the quality of attention that is theoretically possible, and that is not being delivered in practice. ICPC has been created with a mission to remedy this glaring injustice, and to bring the best and most advanced care to patients everywhere. The potential is there for improvement, but it is not going to be realised unless attitudes to healthcare provision also evolve among decision makers – and that will be influenced by people who make their voices heard. Join ICPC and help give a voice to the hopes of the many millions of cancer patients around the world whose voice is not being heard. 

the cause